Recently, Brazil as well as in the whole world have seen an increasing market for natural and healthy food. A study by the agency Euromonitor International, from 2017, indicated that in the previous five years, this segment grew 12.3% annually, on average.
Grains, cereals and seeds like quinoa, brown rice, oats and flaxseed today start to an important part of the menu for more and more People. Before, such consumption was mainly from people with higher purchasing power, but today many people want to buy healthy products, and this has stimulated the inauguration of many shops with natural products. The result has been encouraging. Even in regions where the average of the purchasing power is lower, the public interest for eating healthy has increased. Brazil is still far from the ideal level, but the development is on this track.
Floryl is seeking to enter into this promising and growing market by developing new crops that earlier were not produced in Bahia or even in Brazil.
With this we have dedicated, a pivot of 50 hectares, to such crops. Currently with chickpeas, quinoa, sweet potatoes of various varieties, yams, chia, lentils and flaxseeds.