Quinoa of the brazilian savanna
Floryl is completing the fourth rotation of quinoa cultivation with new technologies developed from grains of the Piabiru BRS variety
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Technical capacitation and certification
Floryl is attentive to the reliability of its products. The company has sought to obtain certifications, in addition to investing
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Quality control laboratory
Floryl has opened its own quality control laboratory to ensure the quality of its products and meet demands of the
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Floryl supports planting organic quinoa and chia in the local community of BacuPari
The quilombola community (descendants of African slaves) BacuPari is made up of 60 families, with an average of 7 people
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Quinoa processing with consulting from Bolivia and the University of Brasilia.
Since Floryl started to process quinoa we have been seeking to develop and add new technologies to this process. In
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Moringa – Tree of Life
        The moringa, also called the tree of life or white acacia, is a medicinal plant that
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